Employee using AI

Why AI isn’t the job-killer most fear

How AI will make talent and enterprises faster, smarter and more productive

Based on our early interactions with enterprise, here are three key ways we see AI enabling talent to be better, and do more. 

“It can do these little pieces super well but sometimes it goes off the rails…so people are instead just able to do their existing jobs way more productively. But you really still need the human there today.” – Sam Altman, The Joe Rogan Experience

If you spend any time focusing on the tech headlines, you’d think AI was going to take all of our jobs and destroy us all. There will be nothing left for humans to do! This doom and gloom narrative is perfect for the media, and attention-grabbing headlines, but it’s not what we’re seeing here at Gambit, at least not for the foreseeable future. 

That isn’t to say that AI isn’t disruptive. Like any new technology there will be displacement and change, but with that change will come opportunities for growth. We see AI as an unexpected ally, one that will free us from the mundane and allow us for a new level of human enablement. Getting lost in the myriad of tales of job displacement is this new opportunity. Perhaps it’s time to tune into the positive frequency, one where humans are enabled to do more. 

A Story of Enhancement Not Replacement

At Gambit Technologies, we’ve been on the front lines, witnessing the transformative power of AI. And we’ve come to realize that the real story isn’t about replacement; it’s about enhancement. It’s about elevating the human experience to heights previously unimaginable. Most of our interactions have not been about enterprises replacing people. If anything, there is a hunger to make their team better, to equip them to do more and to remove them from the monotonous and tedious work, and transforming work days into opportunities for creativity, innovation, and personal growth. Here are the 3 key ways we see AI transforming talent at enterprise.

Breaking Down the Walls of Information Overload

In the modern enterprise, information is both our greatest asset and our biggest challenge. Employees find themselves drowning in a sea of documents, emails, and reports. AI steps in as, guiding them to the information they need, when they need it, in a language they understand. The ability to utilize chat interfaces and natural language to extract insights from company documentation, will free the organization from unnecessary burden. Think about a new employee asking their onboarding bot a question about HR policies or how to organize files. Think about a sales rep needing a quick answer to a technical question on a sales call. Think about anyone in a company getting the information they need on demand, merely by asking a question. This is where AI shines. 

Learning at the Speed of Light

Reskilling and upskilling talent is a vital action in an organization. However traditional training and development programs are like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole—they just don’t quite fit. AI shatters this one-size-fits-all model, offering personalized, just-in-time learning experiences that meet employees right where they are. Think of an employee with 15 minutes of spare time, wanting to quickly learn about a new product that your company is launching, but in the context of a customer they can sell to, and in plain language. Learning with AI transforms the speed and quality of skill development turning talent into learning machines. 

Unleashing the Creative Spirit

We tell our employees to think outside the box, but then we hand them a checklist. AI is the eraser that removes the administrative burden, clearing the canvas for innovation and creativity. And it does so by giving them tools they never thought possible. An account manager with the creative freedom provided by Midjouney, a designer with a real-time brainstorm partner with ChatGPT, an HR rep with the ability to write code. By eliminating the technical knowledge required, your team can unleash their creativity and make things happen.

A New Era of Human Potential

AI is not the harbinger of job loss and stagnation; it is the catalyst for a new era of human potential and enterprise productivity. At Gambit Technologies, we believe in empowering talent to exceed their potential.

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